Call Center Monitoring Software

Measure, control and improve all aspects of your call center.

QueueMetrics call-center monitor lets you track agent productivity and working time, payrolls, sales targets, conversion rates, ACD, IVR and Music-on-hold events.

Generate inbound and outbound campaign statistics and monitor realtime processes with customizable wallboards and reports.

Realtime Monitoring

Keep track of what’s going on in your call center, with QueueMetrics’ iconic Realtime View. From this page you can monitor in great detail the current activity in your call center.

Interact with the PBX by adding and removing agents from queues, pausing them or monitoring the active calls in whisperbarge or spy mode.

Dedicated Agent Interface

In QueueMetrics, each Agent has access to its own dedicated Agent page, where they can keep track of their own calls, add outcomes and feature codes, and access relevant CRM pages, all from the same virtual space.

Agent can also start self service reports and keep track of their performance throughout the day.

Agent Performance Monitoring

Measure your Agents’ performance with multiple metrics, to optimize your call center call flow and Agent distribution. Measure Agent occupancy and pause times, number of lost attempts and many other stats.

Ensure that production goals are being met and track billable and payable breaks.

WebRTC Softphone

QueueMetrics includes a fully functional and secure WebRTC softphone, that requires no additional installation.

By using the included WebRTC softphone, your agent can make phone calls directly through their browsers, without any additional hardware phone or external softphone application.

Customizable Wallboard

The latest addition to QueueMetrics’ Monitoring Suite, the customizable wallboard system allows you to create live wallboards that are tailored to the specific information you need.

Set alarms and filters to better capture the essential statistics and discover which aspects of your call center’s workflow might need improvements.

Scheduled Reports

Set up scheduled reports to be delivered by e-mail at specific times or at regular intervals. Make sure to always have current and updated information without having to manually request your reports everytime.

Multiple recipients can be specified so that your team can always be updated on the latest numbers.

Outbound Call Tracking

Monitor outbound calls with QueueMetrics, to keep track of your outbound campaigns’ progress.

By using virtual queues, QueueMetrics can track even the calls that are not happening on actual queues, but are initiated by Agents calling customers directly.

Call Center Reports

Create your own reports by adding only relevant data blocks. Leverage the quantity and variety of QueueMetrics’ reports to build in depth performance reports and relevant analysis of inbound and outbound calls.

Filter your reports by Agent, queue, location, agent group and many other factors, to quickly gather the needed information.

Contact us for demo or price today!